Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Randy Pausch

At the beginning of Randy Pausch video lecture on "Time Management" he discusses the following:
1. How t set goals
2. How to avoid wasting time
3. How to deal with your boss but in this case, how to deal with your advisor
4. How to delicate to people
5. How to deal with stress
After pointing these factors out, Randy discusses how we are bad with dealing with time, but yet good with dealing with money. He also said another statement that I fully agreed with; how is it that we are bad with time when money and time goes together? Randy mentioned that Americans are poor when it comes to dealing with time management and that we are extravagant when dealing with money as a commodity. After discussing about money and time management, he displays the following on the board:
Goals, Priorities and Planning
1. Why am I doing this? What is the goal?
2. Why will I succeed?
3. What happens if I chose not to do it?
4. Doing things right versus doing the right things
5. 100 things to do in my life
From the topics stated above, Randy mentions that some people don't know why goals are made, nor do some people know how to set them. He states that its fine to change your plan, but make sure you have a plan FIRST before changing it. He mentioned that people focus too hard on doing things the right way rather than just doing the right thing. In order to know how to do something, you have to give your time to it. Just like Randy mentioned, experience comes with time, and experience is something you cannot fake. The next part he displays on the board is about planning. Here are the following:
1. Failing to plan is planning to fail
2. Plan each day, each week, each semester
3. You can always change your plan, but only once you have one
Next, Randy mentioned about having a "To Do" List. Here are the following:
1. Break things down into small steps.
2. Do the ugliest thing first
I've never listen to any of Randy Paush's lectures before, but this one gave very good pointers on planning and managing time. Whenever I have a list of things to do, I always do the least of my favorites first, and it makes it a whole lot easier to handle everything else knowing that the least favorite has already been handled. I really enjoyed it.

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