Friday, March 30, 2012

C4T#3 With Mr. Fisch

For my C4T assignments for the month of March, I was assigned to Mr. Fisch's blog. Below is the link to his blog and my first comment:

Mr. Fisch's Blog

Mr. Fisch,
Hello, my name is Angela Smith and I am in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama and allow me to say that this was exactly what I needed to read/watch! This blog post not only helped me but was also very factual about students being afraid of failure. Just as you mentioned Mr. Fisch, students have been taught to fear failure, when in reality the only way you are going to succeed higher than before is to know what you did wrong to correct it. I used to be that student; I always wanted to do it right the very first time and conquer it. Now, I appreciate those failures. I honestly believe I would not be the responsible person that I am today if it was not for the mistakes that I have made in the past. Whether it was something dealing with school or not, I am very grateful for my mistakes, and as a future educator I would want my students to know that as well.

For my second C4T assignment, I was assigned to the same teacher, Mr. Fisch. For some odd reason, my post for my second comment published to his first post (which I already completed). Since I was assigned to the same teacher, the link above is sufficient for my second comment. Below is my comment to Mr. Fisch post:

This was simply beautiful, and so true. We indeed need more people who are determined and courageous. I really admired what you stated towards the end, about how life is not all about money but trying to make the world anew. That is exactly how I feel about becoming a teacher. If I can encourage one child out of all the students that I will have in my classroom, I will then know that my mission was accomplished. Knowing that you were apart of a child's success is worth more than all the money in the world. Thank you for this beautiful post, Mr. Fisch.

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